I have a service dog who I treiand to do the activities I need for her to do. I highly recommend that anybody with a service dog belong to the IAADP the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners. Their phone number is 1-888-544-2237. They have a lot of good information and helpful benefits.It is also important that people not confuse service dogs with therapy dogs. Service dogs are needed by people to perform different services. Therapy dogs are those who help kids with reading or go into nursing homes, etc. Service dogs are allowed into places like grocery stores; therapy dogs are not.Since my service dog is 12 years old, it is really time for her to retire. I’m just not sure how to get a new dog who can perform the duties that my current one does for mobility assistance. For example, one never knows how a dog will do on an airplane until they actually do it. My current dog is great on planes. She just crawls under the seat in front of me for the flight. Please let me know if you know of a good place to adopt a new service dog and if there are any costs associated since my budget is limited. Thanks!Karen
I have a service dog who I treiand to do the activities I need for her to do. I highly recommend that anybody with a service dog belong to the IAADP the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners. Their phone number is 1-888-544-2237. They have a lot of good information and helpful benefits.It is also important that people not confuse service dogs with therapy dogs. Service dogs are needed by people to perform different services. Therapy dogs are those who help kids with reading or go into nursing homes, etc. Service dogs are allowed into places like grocery stores; therapy dogs are not.Since my service dog is 12 years old, it is really time for her to retire. I’m just not sure how to get a new dog who can perform the duties that my current one does for mobility assistance. For example, one never knows how a dog will do on an airplane until they actually do it. My current dog is great on planes. She just crawls under the seat in front of me for the flight. Please let me know if you know of a good place to adopt a new service dog and if there are any costs associated since my budget is limited. Thanks!Karen